CLC Astronomy Class Page - Spring 2002

The old (Fall 2001) class web page is located here

Syllabus Information

The syllabus is located here.


No supplies will be necessary for this class: I will supply the reading materials. 

Class Resources

The two topics, picked by the students are: Black Holes and The End of the Universe (What a cheerful crowd! :)). The first five classes will be on Black Holes.

 Assignment 1 

 Assignment 2 

 Assignment 3 

 Assignment 4 

 Assignment 5 

 Assignment 6 

 Assignment 7 

 Assignment 8 

 Assignment 9 


Astronomy Web Links for Homeschoolers

Here are some good educational links about Astronomy that are worth surfing at. All of them should be suitable for all ages.

Astronomy Picture of the Day - A different cool astronomy picture every day, with an explanation -

The Constellations - A nice web page just about the constellations -

CONCAM - see what the sky really looks like! - This web page records the entire sky each night at Kitt Peak National Observatory, in Tucson, Arizona. You can even run the movie of the images, and show that yes, stars do rise and set -

Hubble Space Telescope. Need I say more?

Bad Astronomy - Phil Plaitt's web page points out common astronomy misconceptions in news and in popular movies. Bad Astronomy is good! -

Astronomy Society of the Pacific - One of the oldest, and most dedicated organizations in astronomy education. They have many, many astronomy teaching resources, both free and items for purchase that are well worth having.
Last Modified: February 26 2002
Web Page by John Feldmeier
Department of Astronomy
Case Western Reserve University
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