Assignment 9 - Due 5/7/2002
Put your name on your paper! Please answer in complete sentences! Please staple or paper clip your
work together!
Read the article entitled "The future of the universe" and answer the following questions:
1. As we enter the Black Hole Era, the majority of matter in the universe is in Black holes,
but there are some other forms of matter too. Name one.2. In what cosmological decade do all Black Holes disappear?
3. As we enter the dark era, there are still two forms of light in the universe. Name them,
and tell me how they are created.
Now, go to the article entitled "The Fate of Life in the Universe" Answer the following questions:
4. Explain the figure on pg 60, and summarize it in your own words.
5. Go to page 61, and go to the paragraph that starts by sauing "As a result of this
dilution..." What is the author talking about in this paragraph?6. On page 64, a scientist named Freeman Dyson describes one way for life to continue
for a very long time. Describe what he means. Do the authors of this article agree
with Freeman Dyson, or not?