Syllabus for CLC Astronomy Class, Fall 2001

Teacher: Dr. John Feldmeier, Ph.D.

Home Phone: (216) 321-1278

Work Phone: (216) 368-0310


Class Website:

Location: Cleveland Heights Public Library, 7-8:30 pm

This course is a broad overview of astronomy, designed for homeschoolers of ages approximately 10-13. No advanced math is required. The course is composed of two units: 1) Finding our way around the sky, and 2) A brief history of astronomy from the Ancients through Sir Issac Newton. I hope to teach a course covering more astronomy topics in the spring, if there is interest. Parents are welcome to attend all classes.

The course will involve in-class labs, and in-class discussions of the reading assignments.The only required out-of-class work will be reading from the two texts: The Stars: A new way to see them (TS) by H.A. Rey and Blind Watchers of the Sky (BW) by Rocky Kolb. However, I will give information for some suggested optional activities after each class to enhance your understanding. I also hope to take the entire class to either a planetarium show, or a star party at Case Western Reserve's Telescope in Lake County (date TBD). I welcome comments from both the students and parents.

I will assume that the assigned reading has been done before class, so please be prepared!