file: urlsum.txt date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 03:30:05 (local) Linklint version: 2.1 Linklink checked 717 urls: 586 were ok, 121 failed. 115 urls moved. 48 hosts failed: 53 urls could be retried. 16 files had failed urls. There were 26 files with broken links. found 586 urls: ok ----- 67 urls: moved permanently (301) ----- 48 urls: moved temporarily (302) ERROR 4 urls: access forbidden (403) ERROR 5 urls: could not connect to host ERROR 36 urls: could not find ip address ERROR 1 url: gateway timeout (503) ERROR 1 url: malformed status line ERROR 64 urls: not found (404) ERROR 1 url: server temporarily overloaded (502) ERROR 6 urls: timed out connecting to host ERROR 3 urls: timed out getting host ip address ERROR 3 urls: timed out waiting for data warn 10 urls: not an http link