Index of Linklint results
Sat, 04 Sep 2004 03:30:05 (local)
Linklint version: 2.1
  summary.txt: summary of results
      log.txt: log of progress
      dir.txt: found   1 directory with files
    file.html: found 251 files
   fileX.html: found 251 files (cross referenced)
   fileF.html: found 110 files with forward links
  remote.html: found 731 other links
 remoteX.html: found 731 other links (cross referenced)
  anchor.html: found  14 named anchors
 anchorX.html: found  14 named anchors (cross referenced)
  imgmap.html: found  14 named image maps
 imgmapX.html: found  14 named image maps (cross referenced)
    warn.html: warn    1 warning
   warnX.html: warn    1 warning (cross referenced)
   warnF.html: warn    1 file with warnings
   error.html: ERROR  51 missing files
  errorX.html: ERROR  51 missing files (cross referenced)
  errorF.html: ERROR  10 files had broken links