Weather -- Opening and Closing

In general, observers should abide by the KPNO operators' decisions about opening and closing domes. The current KPNO weather status can be found by logging onto any of the mountain machines (bordeaux is located in the admin building and has two visitor accounts) and typing `weather' or by calling an LTO at the 2m or 4m. The KPNO weather status can also be found by clicking on ``Dome-opening status'' on the KPNO Weather Information webpage.

In case of miscommunication, you should stop observing whenever any ONE of the following conditions are met:

Note that humidity is of particular concern when using the Schmidt --- the corrector can fog up when the rest of the mountain is still above its dew point. In future, we hope to obtain direct dew-point readings from the dew-point machine located outside the Schmidt so that we can keep a close eye on this. For now, there are humidity monitors directly to the left of the control area on the dome floor that can be referred to.

Lightning Precautions and end of run
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Last Updated: 2/18/06