Astr 328/428 Homework #5 -- Due Nov 16th

1. Growth of Structure

We are going to look at the growth of structure in simulations with differing cosmological parameters. The simulations are the "Hubble Volume Simulations" and more information can be found at I have grabbed the cluster catalogs from two simulations: LCDM and tauCDM. A description of these files can be found here -- look under "Cluster Catalog Files". The cosmological parameters of the sims are given by:
Make a plot of the (log of the) comoving number density (logN in #/Mpc^3) of clusters as a function of z (from z=0 to z=2) in the two simulations, as well as the (log of the) ratio N(LCDM)/N(tauCDM) as a function of redshift. Describe why the shapes of the plots look like they do.

Repeat the calculation just for the most massive clusters -- those with velocity dispersions > 600 km/s. Comment on any differences you see from the first plot.

You'll need to make use of astropy's cosmology routines for this, in order to work out the comoving volume in each of your redshift bins. You can get this by grabbing the total volume out to the edge of each of your bins, then doing a np.diff to get the volume within the bin; this shows how to do it for the LCDM cosmology:

from astropy import cosmology
LCDM=cosmology.LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ode0=0.7)
zbins=np.arange(0,2,dz) # THIS SETS UP THE EDGES OF YOUR BINS (dz is your redshift binwidth)
bincenters = (zbins[:-1] + zbins[1:]) / 2.0  # THIS CALCULATES THE CENTER OF THE BIN
dvol=LCDM.differential_comoving_volume(zbins).value  # THIS GETS  VOL PER UNIT REDSHIFT PER UNIT SOLID ANGLE

2. The Galaxy Two Point Correlation Function

There is a "chunk of the Virgo consortium universe" available for you here. The data come from a massive simulation of a cube of the universe measuring 140 Mpc on a side. Details of the simulation and the galaxy creation can be found at The data give the x, y, and z coordinates in Mpc and star formation rate in solar masses per year of 8384 simulated galaxies.

We are going to define subsets of galaxies as "late types" (ie Sb/Sc spirals) and "early types" (ellipticals and S0's) based on their star formation rates. Let's say late types are things with SFR's > 1 Msun/yr, and early types are things w/ SFR's < 0.1 Msun/yr. (Does this definition make sense?)

Calculating the 2ptCF: First, install astroml if you haven't already (see below). Then to calculate the 2ptCF of a sample of N galaxies with x,y,z coordinates, do the following:

from astroML.correlation import two_point
pos=np.array([x,y,z]).T  # YOU WANT AN ARRAY WITH SHAPE (N,3), NOT (3,N)
rbins=np.arange(1,12,1) # BINS OF SEPARATION (IN MPC)
rbincenters = (rbins[:-1] + rbins[1:]) / 2.0

Installing astroml:

In a jupyter notebook, Chris Carr reports that you should be able to simply say
If you don't use jupyter notebooks, you can just do the same thing from the command line of a shell window, just omit the exclamation points from the beginning of the lines.

3. Collapse of Overdensities

Remember our discussion about the turnaround and collapse of initial overdensities in matter-only universes. If you have a little overdense bubble of the universe embedded in a flat, no-lambda universe, show that the density of the overdensity at maximum size is given by

where R refers to the scale factor of the universe, Rmax refers to the maximum size of the overdense bubble, and the "prime" mark means the value of Omega0 in the overdense bubble.

ASTR 428 -- this piece due 11/26.

I want a quality draft of your project presentation -- a 30min-length powerpoint/PDF presentation, including  figures, explanation, referecnces, etc. 
I will review this and then we will sit down on Wed 11/28 for discussion and feedback for final version. Your oral in-class presentations will be done the last day of class (Dec 5). The draft review is to ensure your project is on track, that you haven't missed any critical details, and that your scientific emphasis is appropriate for the oral presentation.