Metallicities and Stellar Populations
Remember that a star's chemical composition can be
characterized by
fraction by mass
solar value
hydrogen content
helium content
everything else
(C, O, Mg, Si, Fe, etc: "metals")
and we define these quantities such that X+Y+Z=1
A different way of measuring a star's chemical
composition is by the Iron(Fe)-to-Hydrogen(H)
for the sun,
so that for
every Iron atom there are 20,000 Hydrogen atoms.
We measure this value for other stars
relative to the sun using a quantity called [Fe/H]:

Defined this way the Sun has a metallicity
Question: What does
it mean to have a metallicity:
- [Fe/H] = +1.0
- [Fe/H] = -2.0
Stars can span a wide range of metallicity: -4.5
< [Fe/H] < +1.0
Why would stars have
different metallicities? What is metallicity
A second way to characterize metallicity is
through the alpha-to-iron ratio,
which involve elements built by combining helium nuclei, such as
Oxygen, Silicon, Neon, etc.
Two channels to build
up metallicity enhancements:
- Iron, built up in massive stars and
also later in Type Ia (white dwarf) supernovae: prompt and
delayed release after stars are formed, involve high and low
mass stars
- Alphas, built up in massive
stars: prompt release, high mass stars
High alpha/iron: stars formed in a rapid burst of star formation,
which quickly ceased. Lower alpha/iron: stars formed more continuously
over time.
Stellar Populations
- Globular clusters are generally metal-poor
- Disk stars span a range of metallicities
- Open clusters are generally more metal-rich
what does this mean?
In the 1940s, Walter Baade introduced the concept
of stellar populations:
metal rich [Fe/H] > -1
metal poor [Fe/H] < -1
disk stars
halo stars
open clusters
globular clusters
So any model for how the Galaxy formed and evolved must
explain why there are different populations of stars in
different parts of the Galaxy.
Note that metallicity also correlates
with color:
- metal poor makes stars bluer
- metal rich makes stars redder
- Line
blanketing: lots of metals
(particularly Fe) in the atmospheres of stars absorb
preferentially blue light, so the star looks a bit
- Opacity:
more metals absorb energy from the interior of the
star, making red giants "swell up" even more, and give
them cooler (redder) temperatures.
So lots of things affect colors:
- Age (young stars are blue)
- Metallicity (metal rich
stars are redder than metal poor stars)
- Dust (reddens stars)
What a mess! But careful measurements
of colors and spectra can detangle these effects, at least

Example of line blanketing